Sunday, 3 February 2013

How do I go about running many small jobs in ABAQUS?

Create a batch file (say aba-multrun.bat) with one line per analysis as shown below :
abaqus job=analysis-a interactive
abaqus job=analysis-b interactive
abaqus job=analysis-c interactive
abaqus job=analysis-d interactive
Then make the file an executable using the following unix command :
chmod u+x aba-multrun.bat 
Then type aba-multrun to execute the ABAQUS jobs one at a time while you are logged ON. This is only suitable for small jobs which only take a few minutes to run. These jobs will run one at a time and in the sequence in which these appear in the batch file. 
This is preferable to submitting all the jobs at the same time (for example typing the above commands directly at the terminal without the interactive parameter). This will put a strain on the server and its resources and inconvenience the other users as well. 
For medium to large jobs use the batch command available in the CUED teaching system. 
If ABAQUS is installed on a PC (Windows XP O/S) then the above batch file requires a modification. Enclose the lines with a round brackets. in the absence of this bracket only the very first job in the file will be run. 
abaqus job=analysis-a interactive
abaqus job=analysis-b interactive
abaqus job=analysis-c interactive
abaqus job=analysis-d interactive


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