Monday, 30 March 2009

Civil - Mechanics of Solids

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 1.1 Planar Rigid Body

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 1.2 Degrees of freedom

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 1.3 Equations of Equilibrium

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 1.5 Planar rigid body Statics Example 1

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 1.6 Rigid Body Statics Example 2

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 2.1 Structural Systems with rigid

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 2.2 Types of 1-D Structural Elements

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 2.3 Trusses - Axial members

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 2.4 Analysis of Truss Systems

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 2.5 Stability of Structural systems

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 2.6 Trusses - additional discussions.

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 2.7 Trusses - Method of Sections

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 2.8 Beams - example 1

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 2.9 Beams - BMD & SFD

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 2.10 Beams - loading, shear and BM

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 3.1 Virtual work method

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 3.2 Virtual displacements

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 3.3 Finding virtual displacements

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 3.4 Virtual Work Method - Example 1

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 3.5 Virtual Work Method - Example 2

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 4.1 Static Friction - an understanding

Mechanics of Solids - IITM 4.2 Belt Friction

Mechanics of Solids IITM 4.3 Friction : Solving Problems

Dynamics - IITM 5.1 general concepts - rigid bodies

Dynamics - IITM 5.2

Dynamics - IITM 5.3 motion of a point of the rigid body

Dynamics - IITM 5.4 motion of one point on a rigid body relative

Dynamics IITM 5.5 Understanding rotational motion r_dot = w x r

Dynamics IITM 5.6 Kinematics velocity and acceleration

Dynamics IITM 5.7 Understanding Coriolis Acceleration

Dynamics IITM 5.8 Kinematics - Solving problems

Dynamics IITM 6.1 Equations of motion of a rigid body

Dynamics IITM 6.2 Tips and Techniques 1/2

Dynamics IITM 6.3 Tips and Techniques 2/2

Dynamics IITM 6.4 Solving Problems 1/4

Dynamics IITM 6.5 Solving Problems 2/4

Dynamics IITM 6.6 Solving Problems 3/4

Dynamics IITM 6.7 Solving Problems 4/4

Tips and Tricks - Engineering Statics - solivng problems


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